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Melanoma means black tumor. It is the most serious type of skin cancer. This dangerous cancer begins when normal cells in the skin, known as melanocytes, start developing out of control. These cells are responsible for giving color to your skin.

Melanoma can progress quickly, which makes it an aggressive cancer. It can also become difficult to treat if not detected early. In some cases, melanoma can progress to other parts of the body. This is known as metastatic melanoma. If melanoma cannot be removed by surgery, it is called unresectable melanoma.

Stages of Melanoma:

Doctors classify melanoma into stages based on its size, depth, and how far it has spread. Here are the stages:

  • Stage 0: The earliest stage. Cancer cells are only in the outer skin layer (epidermis).
  • Stage 1: The cancer has spread to the second skin layer (dermis). The tumor is up to 2mm thick and may or may not have ulceration.
  • Stage 2: Cancer cells are in both layers of the skin. The tumor is thicker and may have ulcerated areas.
  • Stage 3: The cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes or small areas of skin near the tumor.
  • Stage 4: The most advanced stage. Cancer has spread to distant organs, like the lungs, liver, brain, or bones. This is known as metastatic melanoma.
What Are Biomarkers in Melanoma?

Biomarkers are specific indicators in unhealthy cells that help doctors understand the disease better. These can be detected by testing a tumor sample or blood. One common biomarker in melanoma is the BRAF mutation. About half of individuals with metastatic melanoma have this mutation. Knowing your BRAF status is important because it helps doctors decide the best treatment for you.

What Is Braftovi?

Braftovi contains encorafenib as an active ingredient. It is a prescription medicine used for the treatment of adults with BRAF-positive metastatic or unresectable melanoma. It is designed to work by blocking the abnormal BRAF gene, which involves the growth of cancer.

Braftovi is generally used with another therapeutic drug called Mektovi. Together, these medicines target melanoma cells and slow down their progression.

How Does Braftovi Work?
  • Melanoma with a BRAF mutation grows and spreads faster.
  • Braftovi blocks the abnormal BRAF gene.
  • This action slows down or blocks the progression of cancer cells.

Who Can Take Braftovi: This medicinal product is for adult individuals who have:

Metastatic melanoma (cancer that has spread to other parts of the body).

Unresectable melanoma (cancer that cannot be removed by surgery).

 Doctors will check if the cancer has the BRAF mutation before prescribing Braftovi.

Important Considerations Before Start Taking Braftovi:

Talk to Your Doctor: Discuss your medical history and any other medicines you take.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Braftovi is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Side Effects: Common side effects include fatigue, nausea, and joint pain. Inform your doctor about any severe symptoms.

Other Approved Medicines:

There are some other approved treatments for melanoma, including CTLA-4 blockers, PD-1 blockers, immunotherapies, BRAF inhibitors, MEK inhibitors, combination targeted therapies, oncolytic virus therapy, and chemotherapy. These therapies work in different ways to target and manage melanoma effectively

  • Ipilimumab (Yervoy)
  • Pembrolizumab (Keytruda)
  • Nivolumab (Opdivo)
  • Lifileucel (Amtagvi)
  • Nivolumab-Ipilimumab (Opdivo – Yervoy)
  • Nivolumab-Relatlimab (Opdualag)
  • Talimogene laherparepvec, or T-VEC (Imlygic)
  • Interferon alfa-2b
  • Interleukin-2
  • Pegylated Interferon alfa-2b
  • Vemurafenib (Zelboraf)
  • Dabrafenib (Tafinlar)
  • Trametinib (Mekinist)
  • Cobimetinib (Cotellic)
  • Binimetinib (Mektovi)
  • Dacarbazine (DTIC)
  • Temozolomide
  • Dabrafenib-Trametinib (Tafinlar-Mekinist)
  • Encorafenib-Binimetinib (Braftovi-Mektovi)
  • Cobimetinib-Vemurafenib (Cotellic-Zelboraf)

Final Thoughts:

Melanoma is a serious skin cancer. But thanks to advanced treatments like Braftovi which are effective in the mananement of BRAF-positive melanoma. With potential to target unhealthy cells at the genetic level, this therapeutic drug has become a effective therapeutic option for those with metastatic or unresectable melanoma.

If you or someone you know has this skin cancer, talk to your healthcare proffesional about biomarker testing and whether the medicine Braftovi is the right treatment choice. 


You can buy Braftovi online in India through authorized and trusted importers like Indian Pharma Network (IPN). We ensures genuine and safe delivery of the imported medicine in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Noida, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bengaluru, and Chennai.

Yes, Braftovi is available in SAARC countries, including Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Kindly Call/WhatsApp: +91 9310090915 to trusted importers like Indian Pharma Network (IPN) to access the medicine in these regions.

Yes, you can buy Braftovi online in India at the best price. We are the most reliable importers of Braftovi in India. We guarantees genuine medicines and proper documentation.

Braftovi is an imported therapeutic drug to treat Melanoma. This medicne is not yet available in India but can be sourced from countries where it is available or approved. Send your inquiry to buy Braftovi in New Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Noida, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Gurgaon, and Kolkata. Contact Indian Pharma Network (IPN) for safely buy this medicinal product.

Indian Pharma Network (IPN) is a trusted importer of Braftovi in India. We are a WHO-GDP authorized supplier of hard-to-acces medicine. We specialize in providing hard-to-find medicines and ensure safe delivery to patients across India.

Nitin Goswami

Nitin Goswami joined us as an Editor in 2020. He covers all the updates in the field of Pharmaceutical, Business Healthcare, Health News, Medical News, and Pharma News.

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