Elucirem Gadopiclenol
Elucirem (Gadopiclenol)
- Medicine Name: Elucirem
- API: Gadopiclenol
- Dosage & Strength: 0.5 mmol/mL in single-dose vial
- Manufactured by: Liebel-Flarsheim Company LLC.
Indication and Usage:
Eluciremtm 0.5 is recommended in patients aged two years and older for use with MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to identify and visualize lesions with abnormal vascularity in:
- The central nervous system,
- The body (head and neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and musculoskeletal system).
Dosage and Administration
The recommended dose of Elucirem for patients aged 2 years and older is 0.05 mmol/kg actual body weight administered intravenously at approximately 2 mL/sec.
Administration Instructions
- One should use an aseptic technique for all handling and administration of Gadopiclenol.
- Visually inspect Elucirem for particulate matter and discoloration before the administration. One should not use the solution if any particulate matter is present or the solution is discolored.
- One should not mix with other medications because of the potential for chemical incompatibility.
- Prime intravenous line before use.
- One should administer Gadopiclenol as an intravenous bolus injection manually or by a compatible power injector. The recommended injection rate is approximately 2 mL/second.
- One should flush the intravenous line with 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection after the administration of Elucirem.
- Professionals should contrast MRI can begin immediately following the injection of Elucirem.
- Gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) increase the risk for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis among patients with impaired elimination of the medications. One should avoid the use of GBCAs among these patients unless the diagnostic information is significant and not available with non-contrast MRI or other modalities. For patients at the highest risk for NSF, one should not exceed the recommended Elucirem dose and allow a sufficient period for elimination of the drug prior to re-administration.
- One should administer Elucirem only in situations where trained personnel and treatments are promptly available for hypersensitivity reactions treatment, including personnel trained in resuscitation. During and following Gadopiclenol administration, observe patients for signs and symptoms of hypersensitivity reactions.
- Gadolinium is retained for months or years in several organs. One should consider the retention characteristics of the agent when choosing a GBCA for such patients. One should minimize repetitive GBCA imaging studies, particularly closely spaced studies, when possible.
- In patients with chronically decreased renal function, acute kidney injury in need of dialysis has occurred with the use of GBCAs. The risk of acute kidney injury might elevate with increasing doses of the contrast agent. One should not exceed the recommended dose.
- Adverse Reactions
- The common adverse reactions of Gadopiclenol are injection-site pain, headache, nausea, injection-site warmth and coldness, dizziness, and localized swelling.
Documentation & Availability
What documents are required to import Elucirem to India?
Patients or government hospitals can import Elucirem (Gadopiclenol) vials on behalf of patients. The following documentation is required to import Gadopiclenol:
- A valid prescription from a qualified doctor.
- Patient’s diagnostic reports.
- Patient’s ID proof (issued by the Government of India).
- The order will be confirmed only after the receipt of:
- A valid prescription from a doctor.
- Import permit if applicable.
Elucirem (Gadopiclenol) vials are a prescription pharmaceutical drug that legally requires a medical prescription for dispensation.
Indian Pharma Network (IPN) facilitates the import of critical medications like Gadopiclenol into India, ensuring the named patient supply (NPS). IPN is the facilitator that provides essential support for:
- Availability of Gadopiclenol in India (Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, and more).
- Determining Medicine Price.
- Sourcing genuine and reliable sources from the USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia.
- Ensuring 100% transparency.
Indian Pharma Network (IPN) can facilitate the supply of Gadopiclenol (a prescription medicine) to locations worldwide and in India while adhering to legal requirements.
Is Gadopiclenol FDA-approved?
The FDA approved the drug Gadopiclenol in 2022.
What is the indication of Gadopiclenol?
Gadopiclenol is a gadolinium-based contrast agent indicated in patients aged two years and older for use with MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to identify and visualize lesions with abnormal vascularity in:
• the central nervous system,
• the body (head and neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and musculoskeletal system).
How much does Gadopiclenol cost?
The cost of Gadopiclenol is reasonable, and one can readily purchase this drug from any certified pharmaceutical supplier.
What is the mechanism of action of Elucirem?
The drug Gadopiclenol is a paramagnetic molecule that develops a magnetic moment when placed in a magnetic field. Magnetic moment alters the relaxation rates of water protons in its vicinity in the body, which leads to an increase in the signal intensity of tissues.
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